Arboricultural Consulting

Tree Inventory and Mapping

Tree Risk Assessment


  • Tree Inventory Mapping

    This is a screenshot of the 2022 tree inventory map of the Norfolk Town green. It is part of a larger multi-layer map of the 1911, 1969, 1985 and 2022 tree inventories. The large red tulip tree on the map was part of the original 1850s plantings. To view the multilayer map click on the link below.

  • Tree Risk Assessment

    Ted Hinman is ISA trained in tree risk assessment. The ISA Tree Risk assessment uses standardized parameters to judge risk of failure and the chance of hitting a target.

  • Diagnosis

    After 34 years in the tree trade, I have experience examining trees and their environment. Since 1900, elms, chestnuts, hemlocks, ash and now beech are coping with new enemies. The Gypsy Moth/Spongy Moth is also a recurring pathogen that was introduced by mistake…oops. To understand a tree, you have to look at the soil, the site, the history, the weather, the local trees and the insects and fungi. Trees are genetically programmed to grow in a certain way in certain conditions. We often ignore this when planting trees. The photo above is 200X magnified photo of the beech leaf disease nematode.